- Constructed a custom budget model for a multi-billion-dolllar real estate portfolio. The model generated fullly custom financial statements for each individual property that then rolled up into regions and corporate.
- Built extensive retail models for an 电子商务 business to analyze sales over a wide variety of SKUs and wholesale partners. Created custom metrics to monitor for opportunities to expand the assortment at various retailers.
- Tightly integrated the data warehouse with analytical tools with SQL, PowerPivot, and Power BI.
- Created pro-forma financial statements for a pre-revenue company that included debt convenants and headcount detail.
Focus areas: 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A), Business Analysis, 金融建模, 房地产, SQL, Python, Retail & 批发, 数据分析, Excel专家, 表, 电子商务, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 报告
- Set up and managed the interest-rate and foreign-currency hedging operation for the energy-交易 subsidiary of UBS Warburg.
Focus areas: Currency Exchange, Trading, 衍生品, 固定收益
导演 of Financial Trading
2000 - 2002
- Structured and executed interest-rate swaps and swaptions on up to $750 million in notional principal, including amortizing structures.
- Devised currency-hedging strategies for various internal and external exposure.
- Managed a $2 billion Canadian fixed-income portfolio.
- Traded US Treasury and Eurodollar futures as well as sovereign cash instruments.
- Traded spot, forwards, and par forwards, in all major currencies.
Focus areas: Hedging, 外汇交易, Trading, 衍生品, 固定收益
- Managed over fifty institutional fixed-income portfolios.
- Traded mortgage-backed securities, agency debentures, and U.S. 美国国债.
- Designed and programmed a fixed-income 交易 application used by the entire fixed-income department for portfolio management, 交易, 贸易结算.
Focus areas: Trading, 固定收益, Investment Decision-making
雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)
- Worked on fixed-income derivatives and equity proprietary-交易 desks.
Focus areas: Trading, Equity, Fixed-income 衍生品
- Managed all interest-rate and foreign-currency exposures for a $1 billion portfolio.
- Developed and implemented exotic dual-commodity, path-dependent option models.
- Valued asset acquisition and divestitures, including a $170-million physical-asset acquisition.
Focus areas: Quantitative 研究, Trading, 固定收益, Risk Management, Hedging, SQL